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Qingdao Daren Fucheng Animal Technology Co., Ltd. successfully held the year-end commendation meeting

Upload time:2022.01.18

On January 18, 2022, Qingdao Daren Fucheng Animal Technology Co., Ltd. successfully held the year-end commendation meeting with the theme of "hard work and perseverance". Summarize the work in 2021, deploy the overall work plan for 2022, and clarify the work direction and goals for the new year. Analyze the company's performance, commend outstanding employees, thank the company's customers, strengthen communication and exchanges between the company and customers, and between the company and employees, mobilize employees' enthusiasm and sense of belonging, stimulate employees' sense of ownership, and improve cohesion. Display the company's corporate culture and high-quality image through colorful programs to enhance the company's competitiveness.

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