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A visit to the poor households

Upload time:2022.01.27

January 27, 2022, the 25th day of the twelfth lunar month. The general manager of Qingdao Daren Fucheng Animal Technology Co., Ltd., Ren Shouhai along with 3 village officials paid a visit to the poor households during the Spring Festival.

Under the company of the secretary of the former Puqudian Village of the Longquan Office in Jimo District, he visited the poor households in Puqu Village. In a low-rise house, the interior is dark and cramped, a pair of elderly people walked out of the room tremblingly. Mr. Ren communicated with the elderly in plain languages, inquired in detail about their lives and health conditions, and gave them daily necessity and cash in red envelopes, the elderly have mixed feelings, thanking the enterprises for the caring of the people.

  As a private enterprise that drives the local economy, Daren Fucheng has been concerned about the people for many years and solved the employment problem of the local people. Although many poor households live a hard life, they are not lazy in nature. Some are disabled and sickly, and some are old and frail. Faced with these poor families, the company thinks about what the people think, worries about the people's urgency, and acts for them. Sending to them holiday greetings and warmth, and contributing to the national poverty alleviation work. Sending care and gathering people's hearts, Da Ren Fucheng is in action.

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